Dietary Supplement Handbook: Part 7 - Dietary Supplement Education
by Jason J. Duke - Owner/Artisan
in collaboration with Seraphina Vegaranova - AI Construct
Fresh Content: August 1, 2022 20:20
Dietary supplements contain nutrition that is vital to health.
Supplements are added to the diet to maintain, support, build and promote health and wellness, benefit well-being and enhance performance as a part of a successful lifestyle.
Supplements add to a healthy state which is optimal well-being, which is related to their overall vitality and ability to perform in many ways.
Vitality is the capacity for fitness and performance, to grow, live and develop and achieve greater wellness and success.
A healthy responsible lifestyle includes diet, exercise and customary practices concerning body, mind and spirit, such as work, play, fitness, meditation, and education.
It is known that modern foods and diets are depleted in nutrients, so a great way to boost nutritive density is by taking supplements with meals as part of a complete diet.
This is why we take supplements; to acquire higher concentrations of nutrients and to have the vitality to make life better, be more successful and achieve greater fitness!
Supplements are Easily Accessible Nutrition
Supplements come in many forms, but the best forms are whole concentrates of foods, superfoods, tonics, herbs, adaptogens and botanicals, because they contain a wide-range of nutrients and some contain unique constituents.
Supplements are usually high in forms of a variety of nutrition, which effects the body, it's tissues, organs and glands in the support of health, wellness, and performance.
These forms of nutrition include:
- Peptides, Lipids, Starches
- Vitamins and Minerals
- Unique Constituents
Many of these forms of nutrients are essential, such as vitamins and minerals, to the functioning of the body and are often best consumed daily. Other nutrients such as the peptides, lipids and starches have particular and specific effects on body functioning.
Unique constituents have special effects on the organs, glands and tissues and are found only in specific medicinal herbs, superfoods, and tonics, such as saponins known as ginsenosides, which are only found in ginseng roots. Another example are unique starches such as polysaccharides found in medicinal mushrooms and astragalus root.
Superfoods and tonics may be adventurous because we can experience the health building effects of their unique constituents.
Take Charge in Knowing Supplements
One’s health, wellness and fitness is very important, so selecting the right supplement is a personal responsibility.
Not everyone eats the same diet and has the same fitness routine, so everyone doesn't require the same kind of supplements.
A person is free to choose what supplements support wellness and performance, which is why discernment in is required for developing a healthy lifestyle.
Ask questions that are insightful; such as:
"How does this supplement maintain and support health, encourage wellness, promote well-being, and enhance performance?"
Supplements are Well Researched
Remember, health and fitness is a personal responsibility; choose what is important based on one's own guidance.
Supplements work by their structure of nutrition and the function of this nutrition concerning the body. Unique constituents are known to have effects on the various organs, glands, and tissues of the body.
Seek out trusted information sources of dietary supplements:
- Books and Magazines
- Wellness and Fitness Blogs
- Health and Fitness Websites
- Universities and Encyclopedias
- Knowledgeable Friends and Professionals
However, avoid the pitfalls of research; health is complex and health information shouldn't be taken out of context.
Nothing is a quick fix.
A quick answer will come up short on results, so spend the time and effort to develop holistic understanding, that means a comprehensive overview of health and fitness and all its parts as it pertains to wellness and successful living.
Find out what works best for oneself.
Just because something doesn't make sense doesn't mean it doesn't work; so dissolving limiting beliefs, conducting more research and having an open-mind may be required for further understanding. The combination of nutrients from various sources may yield better results.
Apply logic or good judgement to conducting research.
Avoid attempting to disprove any research; instead one can prove that they may have been unable to get it to work. Work with all the research available and make better informed decisions.
Explore the various ways to support and maintain a successful and healthful fit life.
A Note on Professional and Personal Guidance
Taking charge of your health and fitness while doing it yourself does not mean without professional guidance.
Because health is vitally important, advise with professionals, family and friends they trust who are able to develop relationships that will develop a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps set a goal of speaking or studying one new professional every three months to broaden the scope of personal knowledge, or when receiving guidance choose 2-3 professional sources with whom to consult.
Professionals: Select and research the appropriate professional concerning how to support health, benefit wellness and enhance performance with tonics, superfoods and adaptogens. The more professionals one consults, generally the better, so as to acquire a wide and open-minded perspective.
A Note About Professional Privacy: Some information may only be discussed with a personal healthcare practitioner as their patient and this private information may require consultation about any supplements one wishes to take concerning health conditions.
Family and Friends: Testimonials about health are best received from people who we know. Most importantly, talking to someone about health, wellness and performance benefits of supplements can open us to new ideas and different perspectives. Develop relationships. Actively approach developing a healthy lifestyle on a monthly or weekly basis with family and friends.
The daily journey of successful living necessitates learning from professionals about how health and fitness works. Keep in mind that a lack of personal knowledge and individual action may be the biggest contributor to the suffering of progress.
References for Further Reading
Self-education is very important to personal health, wellness, and performance.
Researching supplements includes the following:
Nutrients: understanding how vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids work for the body in general.
Benefits: the structure and functions of those nutrients and unique constituents concerning the support and maintenance of health, wellness, and well-being.
Lifestyles: incorporation of the uses of supplements into daily activities for optimal well-being and fitness.
Knowing how the human body works is a day-to-day lifelong journey. The more one invests in personal education of health and wellness, the more rewards one may see in their everyday lives.
Due to the complexity of health and fitness some references may necessitate professional guidance; seek discussion with professionals concerning personal understanding of information.
All referenced sources are for informational purposes only. The information on this website is not intended as medical advice and does not replace a relationship with a one-on-one healthcare practitioner or qualified professional.
Resources for supplements:
1. Herb, tonic, adaptogen, and superfood website:
2. Informational source for the structure and function of the body, its various organs, glands and tissues, and their health relation to the nutrients found in foods and herbs. This is literally the best go to source, period:
3.Comprehensive references with understanding of combing food, supplements and herbs, their nutrients, structure and function, dosages and guidance.
- Oregon State University Books ‡
- Phyllis A. Balch
4. Specific references about nutrients found in foods, supplements, herbs, superfoods and tonics, such as the various minerals and vitamins and how a complete diet of all these nutrients combines for optimal health.
- Joel D. Wallach and Ma Lan
- Joel D. Wallach, Ma Lan, Gerhard N. Schrauzer
- Epigenetics, 2014
5. Herbalism references that include tonics and superfoods and their suggested dosages and uses. Below sources will include Chinese, Ayurveda, Native American, Russian, Eclectic, Sanskrit and modern adaptogen science.
- Ellen Goldsmith, Maya Klein
- Alma R. Hutchens
- Penelope Ody
- Lesley Tierra
- Michael Tierra
- The Way of Herbs, 1998
- The Way of Chinese Herbs, 1998
- The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs, 2008
- David Winston, Steve Maimes
- Adaptogens, 2007
- George Wooten
- The Herbal Database PDF 1998-2008
6. A classical reference for herbs, superfoods, tonics and their everyday uses.
- Margaret Grieve
- A Modern Herbal, 1931
7. A specific and highly-technical reference with entries on various herbs, tonics and foods. The cost of this textbook is restrictive in terms of time spent learning how to use the information and the funds required to make its purchase, so one's budget may be better spent seeking a professional versed in the correct use of this resource:
- Dan Bensky, Steven Clavey, Erich Stoger, Andrew Gamble, Lilian Lai Bensky
Supplement Wisdom
There are many parts to health and fitness.
We don't live in a bubble so we don't do one thing for our health, wellness and performance. All of this is not singular; in other words, we don't live in an isolated box with only a few variables to study what's going on with these factors.
Wellness and performance is organically developed holistically as an interplay of various nutrients, each with their own effects on biochemical interactions within the body. Supplements work best taken as a whole together with food and matched to daily activities.
Concerning supplement wisdom:
- Everything probably works in someway somehow.
- A very little bit of something probably does some degree of a little bit.
- A whole bunch of one thing is just that, you can't force it to work.
- And nothing does nothing, guaranteed.
The more one pays close attention to wellness and performance from a holistic perspective, the more one has available for accomplishing something healthy.
Stay open-minded and feel free to explore new things.
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