Herbology Handbook: Part 3 - The Herbalist
by Jason J. Duke - Owner/Artisan
in collaboration with Seraphina Vegaranova - AI Construct
Fresh Content: July 31, 2022 23:52
Being an herbalist is a proficiency in using food and herbs to cultivate greater health and healing through the scientific methods of hands-on empirical know-how earned by years and decades of study and practice, while also integrating food and herbal medicine research of analysis and observation.
Herbalists Use Herbs to Discover Healing
Herbalists work, study, and practice on how to use herbs to heal and generate greater health and well-being. The herbalist knows the medicinal properties of herbs and their constituents and how they relate to health and healing, they are not prescribing nor researching herbs to be drugs for treating and managing diseases and conditions.
Developing as an Herbalist
Herbalists may develop their proficiency of skills used in the practice and application of only herbalism or they may also develop and learn other aspects of herbology and incorporate them into their use of herbs within herbalism.
Key Skills of a Proficient Herbalist
- Studying healing theory of herbs
- Empirical observation found in traditional usage of ancient and ethnic cultures
- Measured by use of the scientific method in studies with animals and humans
- Knowing regulations that apply to the use of herbs
- Laws and customs to a particular area or country
- Processing herbs appropriately for potency
- Understanding plant parts
- Knowing plant constituents
- Making herbal remedies
- Infusions
- Decoctions
- Tinctures
- Tonics
- Syrups
- Wines
- Ointments
- Poultices
- Liniments
- Salves
- Lotions
- Essential Oils
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