Handbook of Health: Part 3 - What's Well-being? And Cultivating Well-being

by Jason J. Duke - Owner/Artisan

Fresh Content: August 9, 2022 22:34

Well-being is the Merit of Cultivating Health 

Someone's well-being is how they view their own quality of health within their body, emotions, mind, and spirit; altogether the pursuit of having greater wellness.

Well-being includes how someone thinks about the functioning, healing, growth, and development of the their body; their feelings about oneself, other's, and one's environment; their capabilities to think and learn; and the broad nature of spirit within their life

Cultivating Well-being

The day-to-day awareness of well-being is related to how someone adapts to their life. Aspects of developing greater well-being are:

  • Increased tolerance of work and satisfaction of exercise and fitness.
  • Understanding the reasons for their feelings and emotional expression.
  • The capability to assimilate information, create ideas, and educate oneself in subjects.
  • Progress spiritually with greater insight into themselves, their community, and the world.

Money and Finances are Not Related to Well-being

The amount of money someone has does not directly determine or influence their body, emotions, mind, and spirit. The degree of finances are transitory, in that they come and go throughout life, and are used as a way to attain the necessities and tools required for living.

For example: money itself does not feed the body; the monetary value of someone's home, car, and things are not related to how someone feels; transacting money, in and of itself, doesn't make someone more intelligent and capable with information and education; and spiritual enlightenment is not how much stuff someone owns and how much money they have in the bank.

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